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Enrollment: Preparation & Requirements

School Readiness:

Head Start strives to increase the school readiness of preschool children. The Head Start approach to school readiness means that children are prepared for school, families are ready to support their children’s learning and schools are ready to educate our children with the necessary shills to make them successful in life.

BBHS considered the Head Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework, the Alabama Early Learning Goals, the expectations of the school district and the expectation of families when developing school readiness goals for children.

Attendance Policy:

To get the most from Berean Head Start children must attend regularly, but if your child is unable to attend, here are a few pointers:


  1. If your child is ill, PLEASE keep him/her at home. Illnesses include but are not limited to vomiting, diarrhea, head lice, and coughing.

  2. Whenever your child will be out of school, please contact your child’s teacher, Family Advocate, or Family and Community Engagement Specialist to inform us about your child’s absence.

  3. Upon returning back to BBHS, please bring or send a doctor’s statement or parent note with the reason for your child’s absence

  4. Expect a home visit from the Family and Community Engagement Specialist and/or Family Advocate when your child has reoccurring absentees.

Meal Service:

BBHS participates in and follows the USDA Child and Adult Food Program (CACFP) guidelines. Meals are planned as part of the day’s learning experience.


The menus for the program are created by a licensed Dietitian, and are designed to be low in sugar, salt and fat. Menus are given to parents at orientation and are posted in the classrooms.

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Parent/Teacher conferences are held two times during the year for Head start children. This is the time of year to discuss individual child progress and establish goals for school

Readiness. Conferences are for parents to ask questions, inform the teacher of your expectations for your child, and learn to work together to reach educational goals.

Parent Handbook

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Need more information about our policies and procedures?
Download our Parent Handbook.


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